PRESENT: Chair Karen Leakey, Vice Chair and Treasurer Richard Coates, Secretary Kevin Leakey, Minute Secretary John Phillips, John Banville, John and Vi Clark, Karen Coulthard, Stella Edwards, Pam Freegard, Elizabeth Grady, Olive Hitchcock, Kate Johnson, Alan Jones, Cluniford Mason, Rebecca McIntosh, Val Purvis, Derek Sutton, Ros Timlin, David Webb.
ALSO PRESENT: John Taylor, Councillor Derique Montaut, PC Crouch, PC Sophia McIntyre Vice Officer, Matt and Sue O’Sullivan, Tony and Joanne Felstaed
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Celia Cotton, John Freegard, Mr and Mrs Grady, Pam Montgomery, Sue Osbaldstone, Mike and Lindsay Ponting, Madge Sutton.
CONFIRMATION OF THE MINUTES – 3rd September 2008 meeting.
These Minutes were confirmed and signed a true record. Proposed John Phillips and seconded by Val Purvis.
GUEST SPEAKER: PC Sophia McIntyre - Vice Liaison Officer – Crime Targeting Team. This is a new role with the sole purpose of looking at the problems that prostitution and kerb crawling cause for residents in Swindon. This has been a long-term problem and in the past the Police have cracked down on the problems with a quick fix that had improved the problem for a while, but seen it returned once the Police presence had died away. This time the Police are not looking for a solution that only lasts a couple of weeks, but are taking it as a serious matter by having a vice officer. Will be looking at lots of new initiatives, revisiting things that have probably been tried in the past and advertising campaigns all done through consultations with the Broadgreen Police Tasking Group, following resident’s consultations.
In the past there has been problems with naming and shaming kerb crawlers because of human rights issues with kerb crawlers and their families, but it is now the intention if possible to name people in the Adver, when convictions are successful. The Police are looking at the possibility of producing a leaflet with pictures of convicted kerb crawlers, so residents would be able to report back to the Police, if they are seen in the area. They would also like to re-start Street Watch, as they need information like car registration numbers and where the prostitutes are working.
To directly contact PC McIntyre, about vehicles/kerb crawlers, sex workers or connected problems, you can email:
A direct Vice Line is also going to be set up, that will be direct to PC McIntyre and if she is not there, then there will be an answer phone service where you can leave details of problems/ dates/times or requesting that you are phoned back. You will always be rang back within a couple of days.
Letters/emails sent:
· Letter of thanks to street cleaner Wendy in recognition of the good work she does.
· Contacted Father Leslie, to see if we can use £2k for community garden and what progress has been made with Trust – No reply.
· Find out where the DPPO signs are placed – awaiting reply.
· People are using the Broadgreen play area to walk their dogs; can signs be put up banning dogs from this area? Dog Warden has been contacted.
· Why are the fence panels not completed in Salisbury Street? Requested meeting with Gwillam Lloyd.
· Replies:
· DHI – Have a number of points of information that accurately reflect their services in Swindon that they would like residents to be aware of. This is because of their concerns about a number of inaccurate statements that were made during the BSACC meeting on 3 September 2008. (See Chair report)
· PCC – Reply from the Parish Office re. Meeting concerning Breakfast Club/DHI using St. Luke’s hall - Hall lets are delegated to individual District control therefore it would not be appropriate to meet with the PCC. The Rector is aware of some unrest regarding this matter and is consulting with other agencies in the area, to agree a way forward to suit all parties concerned.
· CHARITIES COMMISSION – re. Broad Street Trust - It is not possible to simply reinstate the charity to the register. They would need to see that the Trustees were in place and evidence that the Charity was operating. Neither of which have been met. They hope that replies from the Trustees will satisfy the Community Councils concerns but if the Community Councils Trustees have evidence that the funds are not being distributed properly then legal advice should be obtained.
A number of points and questions were raised from the correspondence: - It was reported that at least one of the DPPO signs has been broken off. With regards to the community garden, could some of the £2000 we are holding for the Trust not be used to purchase a tree in memory of Les horn, to be placed in the new garden? Is the Charity Commission saying there is no longer a Broad St. Trust? Ans: No, they are saying that they are no longer on their register because the Trustees have not filed annual returns for the Trust. Councillor Montaut informed the meeting that he had met with the Borough Solicitor (BS) and sought legal advice on the Trust situation and from discussions between the BS and the Director of Communities, it was stated that it was not unusual for these types of accounts to exist right across the board in various communities. The BS has got some expertise in being able to tap into this situation and he’s looking at it. It was pointed out to Cllr. Montaut that at last months meeting he had suggested that the BSACC contacted the BS, which is what we shall do, and made no mention that he would be seeing the Bs about this as well.
S/COND/08/1772 - 123 Manchester Road - Variation of condition 3 from planning permission S/05/3019 to vary trading hours to 08.00 - 23.00 on any day - Application Granted (closing time altered)
S/08/2011 - 123 Manchester Road - Change of use from Shop (Class A1) to Restaurant/Takeaway (Class A3/A5) and erection of a flue - Application Pending Consideration (given permission to open until 11 pm last month - ABOVE)
It was reported to the meeting that much of this work has already been carried out, including disabled toilets at the rear, tiling throughout the whole shop and heavy duty wiring for the fitting of cookers, although as yet there is no extraction fitted. This would not be welcome in Manchester Road and there was some concern shown that although the Central Area Action Plan (CAAP) states that planning permission for A3 / A5 would only be allowed if not next-door to residential dwellings, the CAAP has not yet been officially adopted.
S/08/2058 – Tescos Ocotal Way - Erection of entrance lobby. (Amendments to approved planning application S/08/1042) - Application Pending Consideration
S/08/2109 - 133 - 134 Manchester Road - Change of use from Residential to Retail (Class A1). - Application Pending Consideration
This is a strange application because it is for conversion from a flat (C3) to retail (A1), but the applicant actually wants to use it as a social club, which is what it has been used for during the last 2 years and only want to use it for A1 if the club is not allowed! Cllr. Montaut was aware of this and had made some noises in the background about it, although he had not told the BSACC about it. There have been some disturbances in the ‘club’ and action taken against them, but there is a group of Turkish people who have set up a community group and have sought advice from SBC, they seem to have all the right values and signed up to all the right objectives, talking about education and doing something positive in the community and that is fine with the Councillors, although they did raise some issues about it with officers. It was agreed by the meeting that residents did not want this in the area and asked Cllr. Montaut if he would support us, and he agreed to do so. The BSACC will object to this.
S/08/1732 - Richmans Removals (Swindon) Limited Unit 6 Transfer Bridge Industrial Estate - Erection of an external staircase and installation of new windows - Application Pending Consideration
S/08/2136 - Tescos Ocotal Way - Erection of 3no. 10.6m high micro wind turbines and associated works. - Application Pending Consideration
There was a lot of concern shown about how the area was being changed through lots of different planning applications and it was pointed out that this was why we participated in the CAAP consultation and why we are writing our own Community Plan, to try and make the area a lot better and guide it in the direction that the residents want and not from outside influences. It is something that all residents, as major stakeholders in the area, should want to involve themselves in.
We are still holding the £2000 from the Broadstreet Trust that is left over from the monies given for new trees around the Broadgreen; this money cannot be spent on any other project. It has been asked if it could be put towards the running costs of the new community garden, but as yet there has been no answer, it was also suggested that we ask if some of the money could be used for a tree in memory of Les Horn.
Acceptance of Treasures report proposed by Val Purvis and seconded by Pam Freegard.
CHAIR REPORT: A Letter from DHI was read to the meeting, with respect to the minutes of 3 September 2008. They wish the meeting to be updated on some of what they consider to be inaccuracies about their service:
1. DHI do not and never have distributed methadone from St. Luke’s or any other location, and they consider that the comments suggesting that they do, to be extremely damaging to themselves and their relationship with the wider community.
2. They did not move into the area covertly, and booked St. Luke’s hall in the same way other organisations do so.
3. They do not act in a covert manner; they are part of a partnership of drug treatment providers and have recently been profiled in the local press. Their staff have attended many community meetings and have kept up a high profile since their services started last year.
4. Cllr. Montaut’s belief that dumped needles could be dealt with by DHI as they had offered at the last meeting was not the case, with reference to the Tasking Meeting; Mick Webb (DHI) offered to Chris Hunt that they could help with problems of needles in the Broadgreen Centre. Dealing with all dumped needles is not part of their service, or what they are commissioned to do. Any litter collected would be a good will gesture.
5. There has never been a fixed term 6-month contract to use St. Luke’s, neither was there any agreement that DHI would sweep the area and clean up needles.
6. Planning permission is not required for DHI to use the hall, as St. Luke’s already falls within the planning class of D1-Non-residential institutions.
· Deputy Leader of the Council, Fionuala Foley has been in contact to say she will shortly be going out on patrol with the Police and requested information about the location of prostitutes. The Chair has contacted people who have particular problems with prostitution, and a map with detail on has been passed over.
· DHI has invited any one from the BSACC who would like to attend, to their AGM in Bath on the 18 November.
· John Taylor gave over an invitation to attend a Chain-Reaction Meeting in London on 17 & 18 November.
· The recent Broadgreen Tasking Meeting was really positive and attended by a good group of people who are working in partnership to better the Broadgreen Area. The Broadgreen Taking Group is being held up as best practice in Wiltshire, which can only be good for the area.
· It is hoped that an offshoot of the Parks Steam Ahead Credit Union will soon operate from the Broadgreen Centre. This will require 2 people from the community to collect the money and transfer it to the Parks Credit Union and they will come in, when people require loans etc.
· Community Plan now has a steering group; the Chair, Stella and John Taylor have been tasked to look for funding, as a Project Manager is needed.
· A future project that we hope to pursue is a new Community Centre; there are 444 Trusts in Britain that run their own Centres and it would be good if we looked to do the same as well. In the meantime we are looking at how the Parks Community Shop works, with a view to finding a shop in the Broadgreen Area to open our own. This might include selling second hand goods, a small cafĂ© and public computer access etc. It could also be used as a drop in area for small meetings.
· We are going to have another Cohesion Event next year, although a change of name might be advantageous. It is also hoped to follow this up with street meetings, street parties, community picnics, table top sales, a Street Ambassador scheme so that people who do not want to be part of a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme can still be informed about what is happening, plus involving the youth of the area through ‘food for thought ‘ events and have ‘tea party’ meetings for the older members of this community, so their thoughts and visions can also be expressed about our area.
YOUTH REPORT: Doug Imrie – Community Sports Coach, is working with STFC with a view to organising a scout to visit football coaching sessions with BME groups as these groups do not always get the same opportunities as others. He is also setting up football coaching sessions on Sunday mornings for this area.
The youth club proposed at Drove School, as part of their cohesion plans, has been put on hold although as yet no reason has been given. They have however employed a BME parent support worker and several parent support advisors to start at the end of November. Last year, it was requested to the Council’s Youth Service that a second night for Skeetz Youth Club would be a good idea; they agreed but have now withdrawn the offer because of lack of funds. If the youth club at Drove does not go ahead, it would be good if some of the funding believed to have been obtained to run it, could be redirected towards a second night at the Broadgreen Centre.
Rushden, the Goan Youth team coach has reported that they have been given football kit by STFC, which they are extremely grateful for, as they have no funding. They are however playing in the North Wilts under 15’s league this season.
HISTORY PROJECT REPORT: We are trying to research the history and heritage of the Broadgreen Area. There are a number of other strands to this.
1. Drove School, the year 5 pupils will be running a small research project to identify the history of the street names in the area. There are basically three groups, GWR railway engineers, senior Politicians, and West African names it is hoped that the young people will be able to discover how the names were allocated 100 years ago and if there were any reasons why these themes were chosen.
2. Our partnership with Swindon 105.5, Community Radio. John Taylor is going around interviewing people who live, work and visit the area and can tell a story about their life and experiences in Broadgreen. John thanked John Phillips, Stella Edwards and Cluniford Mason for their interviews, that have already been broadcast, Rebecca McIntosh and her friend Mavis who talked about the move from Jamaica to the UK and ultimately to the Broadgreen Area. We now have a very strong partnership with the station and if anyone has a topic they would like to be discussed, then please contact John, or Karen Leakey. We want to develop Broadgreen’s leadership in this radio project, which is called Swindon Voices. The interviews are broadcast on Tuesdays from around 4pm; you can also listen live on the Internet.
3. Some people recently took a trip to Liddington; there were 2 groups, a family and the Caribbean group. The family group went there to see if they could find out more about a newspaper report from 1919 about 3 lads from Medgbury Road who had been killed in an accident whilst out walking at Liddington. Unfortunately the Parish Council minutes that would record the details have been transferred to the Wilts. and Swindon Archive in Chippenham, but it is hoped a trip there will soon be organised. Some people in the village suggested that the accident might have actually occurred in Chiseldon, as there were ranges there from WW1.
We have spent £39.99 on a 3 in one scanner, copier and printer, from money raised from the sales of paint, so it is requested that once again that people search through their things, for photos and documents relating to this area, and we will be able to digitise them there and then. We do not want to keep your treasured possessions.
Some time towards the end of January, we hope to put on a small exhibition with what we have acquired.
NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: There is a property where the resident seems to be burning almost anything in their fireplace, causing smoke that chokes people in the street. Is this area a smoke free zone?
Loud music from what seems to be from a TV with cinema type surround sound is causing problems for some people in Broad Street.
A dog is being allowed to run around in the Broadgreen Park, it is an Alsatian and is chasing children.
Cars are speeding through the S4L zones at more than 20 mph.
With regards to the speeding in the S4L zones, the 20 mph limits may not be enforceable.
SBC are now operating their StreetSmart Service, which is aimed at making the town’s streets and open spaces a safer, cleaner and smarter place to be. It brings lots of services under one umbrella, with one contact point for advice or complaints.
Contact StreetSmart via:
Telephone: 01793 445501 (Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm; Saturday 9am to 1pm) and on 01793 466453 (At all other times). Email: Online: or face-to-face in the Swindon Direct One Stop-Shop at Wat Tyler House.
At the recent Broadgreen Tasking Meeting, Angus McPherson from the Police Authority was so impressed at the best practice carried out, that he wants bring the Chief Executive along to see how well it works. Cllr. Montaut also thought the Chief Constable should be invited as well.
The Chair said that the Tasking Group was very successful, because people bring problems from the area to the BSACC and they are then passed on to the Tasking Group, which deals directly with SBC Officers, the Police and other relevant services and organisations.
Cllr. Montaut was asked to look into the shops in Manchester Road that open far later than they are allowed to. He said he would talk to the shops, but wondered why there was no enforcement?!
The Chair said enforcement would be invited to the Tasking Group and to the BSACC next year.
It was suggested that with the possible problems connected with the Carfax Street Health Centre, and its relocation, we should invite the Practice Manager to a future BSACC meeting.
Meeting closed at 9.05 pm. Date of next meeting: Wednesday 03 December 2008