Tuesday, 2 March 2010

AGENDA - BSACC monthly meeting 03 March 2010

BSACC monthly meeting 03 March 2010 - 7.30 pm in the Lounge, Broadgreen Centre, Salisbury Street.

1. Welcome and Housekeeping
2. Apologies for absence
3. Confirmation of the minutes – 03 February 2010 meeting
4. Matters arising from these minutes
5. Community Police report
6. Guest speaker: -
7. Correspondence: Kevin Leakey
8. Treasurers report: John Phillips
9. Chair report: Karen Leakey
10. Vice-Chair/'Twenty is Plenty' report: Derek Sutton
11. Youth report
12. Broadgreen History Project: Kevin Leakey
13. Broadgreen Community Plan:
14. Shrivenham Road/ Cockram Court report
15. Neighbourhood Watch report
16. Ward Councillors report
17. B.O.N.D. report.
18. Any Other Business

19.Next Meeting: Wednesday 07 April 2010 – 7.30 pm start in the lounge.

1 comment:

matilda said...

Please chase up landlords regarding the state of their properties especialy those that are left empty. They are so untidy. Also the hypermarket in Machester Road and the building next door, what a mess and a stink. Surely they should be disposing of their rubbish more responsibly.
Where is the parking restriction sign on the top of Gladstone Street right oposite the Broadgreen Centre. I see residents parking all day for free. It is a restricted area with one hour no return within 2, well it should be, as all the other streets have it at the end of their street where Residents parking finishes, so why is that area any different. These residents get away with not paying £70 which again is a scandalous amoung of money especially when it started off at £5.00. Not sure why they extended residents parking to 10pm becasue no one comes around so you still cant park outside your house because they know they are gong to get away with it. I always put a ticket on my family and friends car regardless. The tickets are also now a pain because they have dates on them when they expire. It is so unfair that we have to pay to live in this area.

I hate the the new road areas in Gladstone and Salisbury Street, one day a child is going to get knocked down because their is only one pavement. The families on the way to school just walk on the left handside gong up and do not think about the cars that whizz up it. Such a silly idea. Bring back the old road.